Our ears naturally create earwax, or cerumen as it is known in science, to lubricate and protect the ear canal. Occasionally, this waxy substance can build up to excessive levels, discomfort, hearing issues, and even our general ear health. One of the issues is Tinnitus. Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding the Causes of Tinnitus is also important . Earwax removal becomes important in that circumstance. People suffering from hearing issues can also use custom hearing aids. While there are several ways to get rid of earwax, ear micro-suction has attracted much interest due to its efficiency and safety. What is ear cleaning with micro-suction? Doctors remove earwax using the micro suction ear cleaning method. A physician will use a microscope to examine your ear canal to locate the obstruction before beginning the wax removal procedure. Alternatively, they might also use an endoscope, a tiny camera, and light that fits into your ear canal. The doctor will use a tiny vacuum throu...